Saturday, September 26, 2015

Stop abusing Sosma, release Khairuddin – Hakam

Stop abusing Sosma, release Khairuddin – Hakam

On September 24, 2015, former Umno leader Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan was arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma). Khairuddin was arrested allegedly over reports which were lodged with investigators abroad against 1Malaysia Development Berhad. He was first arrested and remanded on 18 September 2015 under section 124C of the Penal Code, on alleged activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy. Upon his release, he was rearrested under Sosma.

Khairuddin is now detained for investigations under Sections 124K and 124L of the Penal Code, allegedly for offences of “sabotage” or “attempting to sabotage the State”.

Hakam stands with the Bar Council and many other civil society organisations and all right thinking Malaysians in condemning these actions as being oppressive and contrary to the rule of law.  Sosma is in itself an authoritarian and oppressive piece of legislation that is now being abused to protect a prime minister (who ought to be accountable to the people) from scrutiny. In stark contrast a member of the public who threatens a riot in Petaling Street is treated with kid gloves and faces no police action.  This underscores the gross abuse of power and the political nature of these enforcement actions.
Sosma is meant for security offences that are “prejudicial to public order in, or the security of the Federation or any part thereof”. How are Datuk Khairuddin’s actions in filing reports overseas in respect of 1MDB, prejudicial to the security of the nation?  They may make some people uncomfortable but that is no basis for an arrest. Moreover, Khairuddin will be clearly exempt under Section 4(3) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 [Sosma] which states “No person shall be arrested and detained under this section solely for his political belief or political activity.” Political belief or activity is defined under Section 4(12) paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively as, “the expression of an opinion directed towards any Government in the Federation” and “the pursuit of a course of action directed towards any Government in the Federation.”  In our view therefore the arrest of Khairuddin is unlawful even within the scope of Sosma.
This incident is one in a series of arbitrary measures taken by the powers that be to protect the prime minister from having to answer to the people.
Enforcement agencies must decide if their role is to serve the public or to protect leaders from answering for their deeds or misdeeds.  The choice is clear. Khairuddin must be immediately released and human rights abuses by the authorities must stop.  Let some semblance of sanity, fair play and respect for the rule of law return immediately to the administration of this nation.
We now read reports that Khairuddin was rushed to hospital with a high fever. However, no one is allowed access to him. Hakam urges the authorities to allow the family immediate access to him. We reiterate our demand that he be released immediately. – September 25, 2015.

* Hakam is the acronym of Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia or the National Human Rights Society.
  * This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider. 
The Rakyat Post file pic
The Rakyat Post file pic

Pada 24 September 2015 bekas pemimpin UMNO Datuk Khairuddin Abu Hassan telah ditangkap dibawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA). Datuk Khairuddin telah ditangkap dipercayai disebabkan oleh laporan-laporan yang telah dibuat olehnya dengan penyiasat-penyiasat di luar negara terhadap 1MDB. Beliau telah ditangkap dan direman dahulu pada 18 September 2015 di bawah Seksyen 124C Kanun Keseksaan kerana didakwa terlibat dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang menjejaskan demokrasi berparlimen. Selepas beliau dilepaskan beliau telah ditangkap semula dibawah SOSMA.

Datuk Khairuddin kini ditahan untuk siasatan di bawah Seksyen 124K dan Seksyen 124L Kanun Keseksaan, dipercayai untuk kesalahan-kesalahan “sabotaj” atau “percubaan untuk sabotaj negara”.

HAKAM mengambil pendirian yang sama dengan Majlis Peguam dan banyak lagi badan-badan bukan kerajaan lain dan juga semua warga Malaysia yang berfikiran munasabah dalam mengkritik dan mengecam tindakan-tindakan ini sebagai tindakan yang menindas dan bertentangan dengan kedaulatan undang-undang. 

SOSMA merupakan satu akta yang bersifat autoritarian dan menindas dan ia kini digunakan pula untuk melindungi Perdana Menteri (yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab kepada rakyat) daripada penelitian. Dalam perbandingan yang begitu ketara, individu yang mengugut untuk mengadakan rusuhan di Petaling Street pula dipandang ringan dan tidak berdepan dengan tidakan polis. Ini menyerlahkan lagi penyalahgunaan kuasa dan tindakan-tindakan penguatkuasaan ini yang mempunyai agenda politik.

Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA) bertujuan menangani kesalahan-kesalahan sekuriti yang “memudaratkan keselamatan awam di dalam, atau sekuriti Persekutuan atau mana-mana bahagian Persekutuan”. 

Persoalannya ialah, bagaimana tindakan-tindakan Datuk Khairuddin iaitu memfailkan laporan-laporan diluar negara berkenaan 1MDB memudaratkan keselamatan awam negara? Laporan-laporan tersebut mungkin telah menyebabkan sesetengah pihak berasa tidak selesa tetapi itu tidak boleh menjadi asas bagi satu penangkapan. 

Tambahan pula, Datuk Khairuddin akan dikecualikan di bawah Seksyen 4(3) Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA) yang menyatakan “Tiada seorang pun boleh ditangkap atau ditahan dibawah seksyen ini semata-mata atas kepercayaan politiknya atau aktiviti politiknya”. Kepercayaan politik atau aktiviti politik pula didefinisikan di bawah Seksyen 4(12) perenggan (b) dan (c) masing-masing sebagai “pernyataan pendapat yang ditujukan terhadap mana-mana Kerajaan di dalam Persekutuan” dan “pengambilan tindakan yang ditujukan terhadap mana-mana Kerajaan di dalam Persekutuan”. 

Pada pandangan kami, penangkapan ini adalah tidak sah disisi undang-undang khususnya di sisi SOSMA.

Insiden ini adalah salah satu daripada tindakan bersiri yang bersifat menindas dan diambil secara sewenang-wenangnya oleh pihak yang berkuasa untuk melindungi Perdana Menteri daripada memberi jawapan kepada rakyat.

Agensi-agensi penguatkuasaan harus memilih pendirian mereka samada peranan mereka adalah untuk melindungi rakyat atau untuk melindungi pemimpin-pemimpin daripada bertanggungjawab untuk tindakan-tindakan mereka samada betul atau salah. Pilihan tersebut sepatutnya jelas tanpa sebarang keraguan. Datuk 

Khairuddin patut dibebaskan dengan segera dan sikap pihak berkuasa yang giat mencabul hak asasi manusia dengan sewenang-wenangnya mestilah dihentikan. Biar sedikit kewarasan, keadilan dan pendekatan yang menghormati kedaulatan undang-undang kembali diamalkan dengan segera dalam aturcara pentadbiran negara ini.

HAKAM telah mendapat tahu melalui laporan-laporan media bahawa Datuk Khairuddin telah dikejarkan ke hospital dengan demam tinggi, walaubagaimanapun, beliau tidak dibenarkan sebarang pelawat. HAKAM mengesa pihak berkuasa untuk membenarkan ahli keluarga beliau untuk menjenguk dan melawat beliau. Akses ini harus diberikan dengan segara. HAKAM juga sekali lagi menegaskan bahawa beliau seharusnya dibebaskan dengan serta-merta. *

Dikeluarkan bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Eksekutif HAKAM

Ambiga Sreenevasan Presiden HAKAM

Source:- HAKAM Website - 
Incorporating ADDENDUM DATED 26 SEPTEMBER 2015 *
Datuk Khairuddin Abu Hassan was rearrested by police this evening under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, September 23, 2015.

On 24 September 2015 former Umno leader Datuk Khairuddin Abu Hassan was arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA). Datuk Khairuddin was arrested allegedly over reports which were lodged with investigators abroad against 1MDB. He was first arrested and remanded on 18 September 2015 under section 124C of the Penal Code, on alleged activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy. Upon his release, he was rearrested under SOSMA.

Datuk Khairuddin is now detained for investigations under Sections 124K and 124L of the Penal Code, allegedly for offences of “sabotage” or “attempting to sabotage the State“.

HAKAM stands with the Bar Council and many other civil society organisations and all right thinking Malaysians in condemning these actions as being oppressive and contrary to the rule of law. SOSMA is in itself an authoritarian and oppressive piece of legislation that is now being abused to protect a Prime Minister (who ought to be accountable to the people) from scrutiny. In stark contrast a member of the public who threatens a riot in Petaling Street is treated with kid gloves and faces no police action. This underscores the gross abuse of power and the political nature of these enforcement actions.

SOSMA is meant for security offences that are “prejudicial to public order in, or the security of the Federation or any part thereof.”. How are Datuk Khairuddin’s actions in filing reports overseas in respect of 1MDB, prejudicial to the security of the nation? They may make some people uncomfortable but that is no basis for an arrest. Moreover, Khairuddin will be clearly exempt under Section 4(3) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 [SOSMA] which states “No person shall be arrested and detained under this section solely for his political belief or political activity.” Political belief or activity is defined under Section 4(12) paragraphs (b) and (c) respectively as, “the expression of an opinion directed towards any Government in the Federation” and “the pursuit of a course of action directed towards any Government in the Federation.” In our view therefore the arrest of Datuk Khairuddin is unlawful even within the scope of SOSMA.

This incident is one in a series of arbitrary measures taken by the powers that be to protect the Prime Minister from having to answer to the people.

Enforcement agencies must decide if their role is to serve the rakyat or to protect leaders from answering for their deeds or misdeeds. The choice is clear. Datuk Khairuddin must be immediately released and human rights abuses by the authorities must stop. Let some semblance of sanity, fair play and respect for the rule of law return immediately to the administration of this nation.

We now read reports that Datuk Khairuddin was rushed to hospital with a high fever. However, no one is allowed access to him. HAKAM urges the authorities to allow the family immediate access to him. We reiterate our demand that he be released immediately.*

Issued on behalf of HAKAM Executive Committee

Ambiga Sreenevasan
Source:- HAKAM Website

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